Monday, May 15, 2006

Does HR have an identity crisis?

Does HR have an identity crisis?

Stephen Overell wrote an article at and suggested there is.

why can't human resources professionals stop the navel-gazing? Why is it that HR is so prone to doubting itself, so keen to ponder its life purpose? Like Hamlet moping around the battlements of Elsinore, there is no profession that wrestles with conflicting impulses quite as heroically.

I posted this question in light of one of HR roles advocated by David Ulrich– that is, being an employee champion.

The suggested role is noble but it seems ironic because HR is an extension of management and exists to protect management interests– Certainly there is no employer who will fry himself with his own fats.

Is there a conflict of interest if HR decide to become an employee champion? Is balance possible?

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